Code Enigma is a 24-hour hackathon where students from various colleges/ Universities compete with one another by finding solutions to issues that affect real-world society. By developing projects that are inspired by their hobbies, students are pushed to expand on what they already know. The best method to learn what you enjoy and discover new interests are to work on projects outside of the classroom. You have 24 hours to come up with something new and show us what you've got in an infinitely possible universe!
1. All participants must be present for the entire 24-hour period.

2. All work must be done during the hackathon and be entirely original.

3. There is a maximum of 4 people per team.

4. If any team gets late to join the hackathon then no extra time will be provided.

5. The terms and conditions, which contain guidelines about the use of data and intellectual property, must be accepted by participants.

6. The code of conduct, which contain guidelines against harassment and discrimination, must be adhered to by participants.

7. Participants are needed to bring their own devices, including laptops and chargers.

8. At the conclusion of the 24-hour period, all contributions must be received by the deadline.

9. Plagiarism of any kind will result in immediate disqualification.

10. The judges will announce the results, which will be considered the final outcome and will not be subject to change.

11. Any rule or regulation that is broken may result in elimination from the competition.

1 Attendees from all backgrounds, genders, and geographies are welcome. There is no age restriction to attend the hackathon.

2 Committee members are not eligible to participate in the hackathon. They may, however, assist teams & mentors during the coding/development phase.

• No development may start before the actual date and time of the event. Any teams that violate this rule will be automatically disqualified. The first line of code should be written on or after commencement of hackathon.

• Any software development tools, game engine, IDE, and/or programming language can be used for the event. If a team member uses a purchased tool licensed to him or her and the license is not transferable to other members the member’s team must choose one available to all developer teams.

• To ensure a level field for all contestants, all code must be created only at the hackathon. You are permitted to use publicly developed and openly licensed API’s and SDKs for your project.

• You will only be able to use a pre-public release of a product in developing your project if you bring at least one extra version that can be used by other teams in the Hackathon, and provide any user support needed to teams using the device.

• Project design/assets can be created prior to the start date of the hackathon. All assets should conform to the Creative Commons License agreement standard or are freely available and you have permission or license to use them. Proof of permission must be given upon request.

• All teams should have a team name, and be registered with Devfolio.

• The team lead must list a mobile phone number on the teams Devfolio page (after judging is complete the number may be removed)

• All team members will be listed with brief biographies.

• A link to the team Github repository

• A link to a video of a screen capture of the application via google form.

• The hackathon theme See https://realityvirtuallyhack.com/about/

DATE & TIME :: 10:30 AM , February 24,2023
1 400-/ for individual

2 600/- for Team maximum 4 members.


• Winner – 25000/-

• 1st Runner-up - 11000/-

• 2nd Runner-up - 5100/-

Ms. Isha Rathore
+91 99827 69250
Agniv Sarkar
+91 98322 79790
Dhruv Kakkar
+91 98182 17806
Dr. Renu Bagoria
+91 97722 78440
Mr. Vijay Mohan Shrimal
+91 99507 12474
Mr. Suraj Yadav
+91 95879 49050
Mr. Hukum Saini
+91 93529 94400
Mr. Madhav Sharma
+91 98878 38292