IDEATHON is an event for young entrepreneurs with bright and new ideas which can be converted into business at a later stage. The event is open to all age groups. Even alumni of various institutes who have their independent ventures can participate in the event. The acknowledgement and wider acceptance is a big motivator to young entrepreneur.
1) The event can be a team event but not more than four members in the team.

2) Submission of idea in an abstract form (in a word document) for not more than 500 words before the due date.

3) Based on the review of the abstract, few ideas will be selected for presenting the idea.

4) The oral presentation should be in the form of Microsoft power point slides which contains the brief of idea. (Annexure I)

5) The presentation should last a maximum of 10 minutes and 5 minutes for question and answer round.

6) All the team members have to present during the event. There will be an interactive session with the judges, other participants and students during the time allotted for the event.

7) A team can bring their prototype/ model/ hardware/ flowchart to support their idea.

8) The presenters should be punctual for their presentation as scheduled and register with the respective session chair 5 minutes before their presentation.

9) The selected participants should submit the hard copy of the plan with abstract in A4 sheets not exceeding ten pages.

10) The Best Idea Award is at the discretion of the judges and the organizers.

11) Presenter should be in formal attire during the presentation

DATE & TIME :: 25th February 2023
1 400-/ for individual

2 600/- for Team maximum 4 members.


• Winner – 11000/-

• 1st Runner-up - 5000/-

• 2nd Runner-up - 2500/-

Shalini Kumari
Yajvendra Saini
Mr. Sudhanshu Mathur
Dr. Jaya Sinsinwar