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Volume 1, Issue 1

Multi-server Finite Waiting-space Encouraged Arrival Queuing System with Reverse Reneging

Author: Bhupender Kumar Som, Dr. Vivek Kumar Sharma and Sunny Seth

Abstract: It can be seen in every business now-a-days that due to high competition, each firm strives to function smoothly and efficiently to meet customers demand and serve them in the best possible way. Queuing theory plays a very important role here. Queuing models can help firms to understand their performance in advance which can help them prepare well for providing smooth and efficient service to their customers and can enable them to sustain in the long run. As any mistake can prove to be fatal for the reputation of the firm and can adversely affect sustainability of the firm. Firms offer deals and discounts to encourage customers to join the system. Due to encouragement of discounts customers even wait for a longer period of time in the system to avail service. This phenomenon is known as reverse reneging. In this paper we will study a queuing model for any firm encountering encouraged arrivals, reverse reneging and having finite waiting space, operating with multiple parallel servers.

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