UGC 12 B

Curriculum Teaching Learning Process/Method,
Examinations/Evaluation System

S. No. Information Information submitted by the University View
1. Which University body finalized the curriculum? The composition of the body may be given. (Board of Studies, Academic Council, Board of Management)
A well-established procedure is followed for finalizing the curricula of courses of study offered by different Faculties. The procedure is laid down in the Act, Statutes of the University, which is briefly describe as follows :
The framing of curricula and its updation is carried out regularly with the approval of the Board of Studies for each Faculty has been constituted. The Board of Studies recommends the revision of the syllabus to the Academic Council for consideration and final approval. (Appendix-XVII-and-XVII(A)) View
In terms of the statutory requirement, the recommendations of the Board of Studies on curricula design are eventually taken to the Academic Council for consideration and approval.(Appendix-XVII(B) ) View
The curriculum is reviewed and updated every year. (Appendix-XVII(C) ) View
The composition of both Board of Studies and the Academic Council is given in Appendix-XVII (Appendix-XVII(D) ) View
2. What are the Rules/regulations/procedure for revision of the curriculum and when was the curriculum last updated? The University has a well-defined rules, regulations, and procedures for the revision of the curriculum as per the University "Manual for Academic Planning and Monitoring". The revision of the curriculum are based on the following parameters:
  • Need Analysis
  • Stakeholder Feedback
  • Design and Development
  • Steps for Curriculum Development
  • Review Frequency

The abstract of the policy for revision of the curriculum is attached as Annexure-VII

The curriculum was last updated in July,2023

3. Whether approval of statutory bodies such as Board of Studies, Academic Council and Board of Management of the University has been taken to start various courses? If yes, please enclose extracts of the minutes.

Yes, approval to start new Programs / Courses of Study was obtained from the statutory bodies e.g; Board of Studies, Academic Council and the Board of Management. Generally, the Academic Council recommends to Board of Management for the final approval in order to start any new programme / course of studies.

The resolutions of Board of Management are enclosed as Annexure-VIII.

4. Furnish details of the following aspects of curriculum design: Innovation such as modular curricula Inter/multidisciplinary approach As per NEP-2020, the University offers multidisciplinary courses as Skill Courses, Electives and Value-Added Courses which are part of the curriculum structure in all UG programs. For example – A student of Engineering/ Management/ any other discipline may opt course on Constitutional Values offered by the Department of Law. Every Faculty identifies elective/ value added courses in each semester. View
5. Has the University conducted an academic audit? If yes, please give details regarding frequency and its usage.

External Audit: Yes, University conducts an Academic Audit in every 2 years.

Internal Audit: Yes, the University conducts an Internal Academic Audit once in a year. According to the University "Manual for Academic Planning and Monitoring," the frequency of the academic audit is outlined as follows:

  • Monthly Academic Progress Report: University has a system of reporting on academic progress monthly, which aids in continuous monitoring and timely intervention where needed.
  • End Semester Reports: These are compiled at the end of each semester to summarize and review the academic activities and progress over the term.
  • Stakeholder Feedback: Conducted at the end of each semester, this feedback is crucial for assessing the effectiveness of academic delivery and identifying areas for improvement.

These reports and feedback mechanisms ensure that the academic activities are systematically monitored and that any issues are addressed promptly to maintain the quality of education.

The usage of these audits includes ensuring timely conduction of academic activities, maintaining records, improving university results, enhancing involvement in applied research, and ensuring quality delivery in each process.

The report of External Academic Audit which was carried out during the Academic Session 2022-23 is attached as Annexure-IX.

6. Apart from classroom instruction, what are the other avenues of learning provided for the students? (Example: Projects, Internships, Field trainings, Seminars, etc.) Apart from the classroom instructions, the University focuses on various avenues of learning for the all-round development of the students from day one through students are required to undergo a large number of extended academic work exercises. These include seminars, conferences, workshops, extension lectures, industrial visits, industrial training, working on live projects, internships and additional courses through MOOC/ Coursera for acquiring additional skill certificates etc.
The details of the same is annexed herewith as Annexure-X.
7. Please provide details of the examination system (Whether examination based or practical based) The University has a well-defined Examination Regulations and the entire procedure is governed by the said Regulations. In compliance to NEP-2020, the University has already adopted Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Comprehensive Continuous Evaluation (CCE) model of evaluation for better outcome.
The details of the Examination and Standard Grading System followed by the university is attached herewith as Annexure-XI.
8. What methods of evaluation of answer scripts does the University follow? Whether external experts are invited for evaluation?

The evaluation scheme for the Internal/Formative Assessment are based as per the following guidelines:

  1. The evaluation for Internal/Formative Assessment are departmental centric.
  2. Questions papers for Internal/Formative Assessment are set and evaluate by the internal examiner from the syllabus already covered by the faculty concerned.

The evaluation scheme for the External/Summative Assessment are based as per the following guidelines:

  1. The External/Summative Assessment shall ordinarily be held at the end of every semester/year i.e. November-December or May-June, as the case may be, as per the schedule to be notified by the Controller of Examination.
  2. The examiners for the External/Summative Assessment are appointed by the Vice-Chancellor from the panel of the examiners to be supplied by HOD / DEAN.
  3. At least 50% of the paper setters for the External/Summative Assessment are External Examiners.
  4. The Examiner appointed by Vice Chancellor set both question paper and evaluate the answer scripts.

Evaluation of Practical Papers/ Thesis/Dissertation/ Project Works/Reports The assessment of Practical/Dissertation/ Major Project work/report etc. are undertaken by Internal as well as External examiners.

9. Mention the number of malpractice cases reported during the last 3 years and how they are dealt with. Besides invigilators, a Flying Squad is constituted to prevent mal practices in the examination. If a candidate is found using unfair means or indulging in disorderly conduct during the Mid-Term Examinations or End-Term Examinations a case of unfair means is registered against him / her and placed before the Unfair Means Committee. The committee examine such cases and recommend suitable action to the Vice-Chancellor for a final decision in the matter. During the last 3 academic session, a total number of 65 malpractice cases reported and they were dealt as per section 12.3 of Jagan Nath University, Regulations of Examination and Evaluation. 1
S. No. Year Examination Number
of cases
1 2020-21 Jan 2021 07 Copy cancelled
in all cases
May 2021 09
2 2021-22 Jan 2022 11 Copy cancelled
in all cases
May 2022 13
3 2022-23 Jan 2023 12 Copy cancelled
in all cases
May 2023 13
10. Does the University have a continuous internal evaluation system? The University has already adopted Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Comprehensive Continuous Evaluation (CCE) for quality education and to comply the objectives of NEP-2020 in real sense. This method effectively assesses and evaluate the performance of students on the basis of course learning objectives / outcomes. In order to get the desired outcome of OBE and CCE model, the University focus on continuous evaluation of the students through the following parameters:
  1. Weekly Home Assignments
  2. Quiz / GD / Tutorial / Activity (domain specific)
  3. Class Test (best 2 out of 3)
  4. Attendance
11. How are the question papers set to ensure the achievement of the course objectives? Question papers are set to ensure the achievement of course objectives through the following structured approach:
  1. Design and Approval of Course Outcomes: Course outcomes are designed by expert faculty and subsequently approved by the Board of Studies (BoS) and the Academic Council.
  2. Integration of Bloom's Taxonomy: Bloom's levels are specified for each course outcome to facilitate effective learning and assessment methods. This ensures that each course outcome is measurable and aligns with cognitive levels.
  3. Mapping with Program Objectives (PO) and Program Specific Objectives (PSO): Course outcomes are mapped with the program objectives (PO) and program-specific objectives (PSO) to ensure coherence and alignment with overall educational goals.
  4. Utilization in Question Paper Setting: The course outcomes and their corresponding Bloom's levels are utilized during the question paper setting process.
  5. Unit-wise Question Papers: Question papers are set unit-wise, and each question is tagged with its relevant course outcome and Bloom's level. This ensures that all aspects of the course content are assessed appropriately.
  6. Rigorous Attainment Process: A rigorous process of attainment is employed to ensure the desired level of learning is achieved. This involves continuous monitoring and adjustments based on feedback and assessment results.

This structured approach ensures that question papers effectively measure the achievement of course objectives and support the continuous improvement of the teaching and learning process

12. State the policy of the University for the constitution of board of question paper setters, board of examiners and invigilators. The University has a well-defined policy which is in compliance to the Jagan Nath University Regulations of Examinations and Evaluation for the appointment question paper setters, evaluators and invigilators are as follows:
  1. Question Paper Setters:
    1. The Question Paper Setters for Internal/Formative Assessment are set and evaluate by the internal examiner.
    2. However, the Paper Setters for External/Summative Assessment are appointed by the Vice-Chancellor from the panel of the examiners to be supplied by HOD / DEAN.
    3. At least 50% of the paper setters for the External/Summative Assessment are External Examiners.
  2. Evaluators:
    1. The evaluation for Internal/Formative Assessment are departmental centric. All the subject teachers normally appointed as the examiners by the Concerned Dean/HoD of the Department.
    2. The Examiner appointed by Vice Chancellor set both question paper and evaluate the answer scripts for End-Term Examinations.
    3. The assessment of Practical/Dissertation/ Major Project work/report etc. are undertaken by Internal as well as External examiners.
  3. Invigilators:
    1. The Invigilators are the full-time teachers of the University appointed by Controller of Examinations.
13. How regular and time-bound are conduct of examinations and announcement of results? Substantiate with details of dates of examinations and announcement of results for the last 3 years. Details to be provided in the following format: - The University conducts examinations on the date(s) and time announced in the beginning of the semester and as per Academic Calendar of the University. Similarly, results are also declared maximum 30 days after completion of the examination.
S.No. Session/Year Date of Examination Date of
of Results
Start Date End Date
1 Feb-March 2021 17/02/2021 10/03/2021 5/04/2021
2 July-August 2021 15/07/2021 11/08/2021 31/08/2021
3 Feb-March 2022 15/02/2022 11/03/2022 04/04/2022
4 July-Aug 2022 11/07/2022 8/08/2022 31/08/2022
5 Jan-Feb 2023 10/01/2023 6/02/2023 28/02/2023
6 June-July 2023 5/06/2023 6/07/2023 31/07/2023