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Internal Complaint Committee

In pursuance of the directions issued by the University Grants Commission and Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, Jagan Nath University has set up the Women Development Cell (WDC). This Cell is established to provide and maintain a dignified, congenial working environment for women employees (including teaching, non-teaching and contractual workers) and students, where they can work, study, explore their potential to the fullest and approach in case of any grievance.


The aim and objective of the WDC is to prevent sexual harassment at workplace and to promote general wellbeing of female students teaching and non-teaching women staff on the university and colleges. The cell is also responsible to undertake the awareness programmes on gender sensitization, women rights and women empowerment in university campuses and colleges.

Roles and Functions

  • To sensitise all members of Jagan Nath University community towards the statutory mandate prohibiting gender discriminations and sexual harassment at the work place and encourage involvement through academic, cultural and outreach activities such as talks, seminars, workshops, community action, drama, street theatre, poster-making etc.
  • To provide for dialogue, discussion, and deliberation on woman’s rights and gender related issues. To encourage participation from NGOs and law enforcement agencies in this area.
  • To become a resource center for women and provide a forum for exchange of ideas.
  • To review safety and security measures for female employees and girl students on the University campus.

Activities under WDC

Who can approach the WDC

Any employee including faculty, staff, contractual, temporary, casual and student of Jagan Nath University can approach the WDC.

Members of Women Development Cell
1. Dr Suman paliwal, Associate Professor (Law) Convener
2. Dr Ranjeeta Soni, Professor (Env. Sc.) Members
3. Dr Manju Gupta, Associate Professor (Education)
4. Dr. Pankhuri Saxena, Associate Professor (Management)
5. Dr. Kapila Jain, Assistant Professor (Physiotherapy)
6. Mrs. Kumud Sharma (Warden)
7. Mr Rakesh Israni (Dupty Registrar)
8. Ms Khushi Devi (Student,FoL)

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Internal Complaints Committee

In terms of Section 4 of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal), Act. 2013, The Internal Complaints Committee is constituted.

The University has adopted the UGC Guidelines regarding Internal Complaints Committee dated 22-09-2014 vide Academic Council resolution no. 20.15.1.


Jagannath University, in response to the Regulations and Procedures of (GSCASH) Gender Sensitisation Committee Against Sexual Harassment), Gender Sensitization Committee against sexual harassment was constituted in 2012, with an aim to prevent sexual harassment, promote well-being of all the female students and staff members and create a gender sensitized community within campus as well as in the society. Subsequently a separate Internal Complaints Committee was constituted in 2014 as per UGC guidelines in reference to Sec 4 of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal), Act 2013.

Committee Members

The Internal Complaints Committee consists of one Presiding officer who is a senior professor. Two senior members from the teaching fraternity and non-teaching staff. One community representative form a NGO committed to or are familiar with the cause of women, students and staff can register their complaints with any member of ICC, whose numbers are published and circulated.

Annual compliance returns on cases of sexual harassment and number of activities conducted for gender sensitization awareness is filed as per UGC prescribed proforma.

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Women Development Cell

'Women Development Cell (WDC) was set up in 2015, to create awareness about gender issues and for ensuring prominent publicity of university policy regarding gender sensitivity and organizing programmes for the gender sensitization of the campus community through workshops, seminars, posters, film shows, debates, skits, etc. The meeting of the Women Development Cell takes place once in every year or as and when necessary.