
+91 96206 19966


Admission 2025 - 2026

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Vision & Mission


To develop the University as a Centre of Excellence for higher education and research committed towards quality education, skill development, industry integration and holistic eco-system for global competencies among youth and sustainable development of the Nation.


The University aspires to achieve its vision by:

  • Innovative, job-oriented and professional academic programs for capacity building in view of the emerging trends of the economy.
  • Enable students equipped with knowledge and competences to perform successfully in modern organizations in India and abroad.
  • Training students in generic and life skills in addition to core discipline subjects to enhance employability in job market and for entrepreneurship.
  • Engaging students and faculty in research, extension services, consultancy, community development projects, curricular and extra-curricular activities for holistic education.
  • Promoting use of digital technologies and self-learning resources like MOOCs, Coursera, Virtual Labs, Online Resources, Self-Learning, etc. for enriching information and knowledge.
  • Inculcating a culture of excellence among students and faculty.
  • Developing a sense of ownership and pride among employees to achieve organizational targets as well as their personal goals.
  • Developing curriculum, training and internship programs to enhance global competencies of absolvents.
  • Blending skill, entrepreneurship and capacity building for sustainable development coherent with environmental and economic sustainability.

Core Values

  • Quality Education
    Promoting quality education through modern learning technologies and delivery models while pursuing the UGC quality mandate parameters
  • Holistic Approach
    Holistic education approach commensurate with social, cultural, economic and environmental realities.
  • Global Competencies
    Preparing students to achieve core competencies to face global challenges successfully.
  • Technology Applications
    Effective use of ICT and digital learning resources optimally for achieving excellence.
  • Industry Integration
    Bridging gaps between theory and practice with a focus on skill development and industry integration.
  • Good Governance
    Following good governance principles being accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, equitable and inclusive, rule of law, participating and consensus-oriented in the process of making and implementation of decisions.
  • Intellectual Capital Growth
    Contributing to human resource development and capacity building of individuals to cater to the needs of the economy, society and country leading to development of the nation.
  • Culture of Excellence
    Promoting culture of excellence among students and faculty in teaching-learning process, research and extension services as drive to develop centres of excellence.


To realize its vision and mission, the University has set the following objectives:

  • To introduce innovative, job-oriented and professional programs in emerging areas of science and technology, allied health sciences and management.
  • To make skill development an integral part of delivery of education for enhancing employability and entrepreneurship among graduates.
  • To encourage the use of digital learning resources along with traditional methods for keeping pace with the changing technological environment.
  • To promote research, innovations, extension services, community projects, sports and cultural activities for holistic education.
  • To strengthen collaborations with industrial and professional organizations for practical exposure and better placements.
  • To create state-of-the-art infrastructural resources and facilities for quality education.
  • To establish student centric environment on the campus with gender equity.
  • To motivate and orient faculty to strive for and to sustain advanced levels of teaching and research so that the University emerges as an excellent centre of learning.
  • To implement outcome based education, quality mandate and holistic concerns towards implementation of New Education Policy (NEP).
  • To establish transparency, accountability, responsiveness, efficiency and effectiveness, etc. in governance practices at all levels.
  • To achieve self-sustainability through quantitative and qualitative expansions.

Quality Policy

Jagan Nath University, Jaipur is committed to impart quality education and strives to be a globally recognized centre of excellence in higher education. It aspires to achieve it by:

  • Ensuring topical and relevant curriculum;
  • Adept delivery mechanism;
  • Relevant research and consultancy;
  • State-of-the-art infrastructural and learning resources
  • Active involvement of stakeholders and industry experts in decision making;
  • Creation of congenial and conducive student centric work environment; and
  • An effective governance system.