
+91 96206 19966


Admission 2025 - 2026

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Ph. D Guidlines

Research at Jagan Nath University aims to develop innovative solutions to the world’s most daunting challenges and to create a research environment that cultivates inventiveness, association and society, and inspires faculty and students to make them valuable assets for the nation. Jagan Nath University encourages, facilitates, attains, and sustains research excellence by developing strategies and managing resources to support interdisciplinary and collaborative research benefiting the society.

Jagannath University, Jaipur offers PhD programs broadly in the following faculties:

  • To train students to become top class researchers who can be part of the global research ecosystem, and contribute to research organizations and research universities across the world.
  • To acquire research grants for multidisciplinary research to strengthen research infrastructure.
  • To enhance the research output in terms of quantity and quality.
  • To promote collaboration and partnership with Industry, Government, reputed research societies and academia for research.
  • To ensure quality research leading to patents/copyrights/intellectual property.

In Faculty of Engineering & Technology due to emerging trends towards interdisciplinary researches, PhD programs are available in various streams i.e. Computer Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering as well as allied engineering areas focusing on interdisciplinary aspects of engineering.

The goals of Ph. D. programs are:

  • To train students to become top class researchers who can be part of the global research ecosystem, and contribute to research organizations and research universities across the world.
  • To acquire research grants for multidisciplinary research to strengthen research infrastructure.
  • To enhance the research output in terms of quantity and quality.
  • To promote collaboration and partnership with Industry, Government, reputed research societies and academia for research.
  • To ensure quality research leading to patents/copyrights/intellectual property.

Procedure for Admission

  • Eligibility
    A candidate for admission to the degree of Ph.D. in any of the Faculties must have obtained the Master‘s Degree with at least 55% marks (CGPA 5.5 - 6 in a scale of 10) of any recognized University (50% for SC / ST /Physically and visually handicapped candidates).*For more details please read Ph.D. Regulations available on the University’s website
  • The candidates shall apply for the admission in Ph.D. course in prescribed form available at the University office or can be down loaded from University website. The application form dully filled by candidate should be submitted along with required fee (as fixed by the University).
  • The candidates will be given admission through entrance test to ensure quality, to be organized by the University. The test should examine research aptitude, grasp of the subject, intellectual ability and general knowledge of the prospective candidates.
  • The candidates who qualify the entrance test will be called for interview.
  • After the interviews, the selected candidates shall be admitted provisionally as Ph.D. student of the University on payment of the prescribe fee. The fee deposited will not be refunded for any reason, whatsoever.
  • The application for admission shall be sent to the University office and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee, copy of PG , UG degree(s) , certificates of schooling and consolidated marks statements, copy of the fellowship award certificate (if any), passport size photograph (pasted on the application form), sponsorship certificate, (if any), copy of publication(s), (if any), service certificate (if applicable), No Objection Certificate from employer, (if applicable), the Migration Certificate of the University from which he took the Master‘s degree.

Fee and Duration

Duration- Min. 3 Yrs (Including Course Work)

Fee- 1,30,000 per year | For foreign Student $2500


Regulations & Guidelines