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Admission 2025 - 2026

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Faculty of Architecture Planning & Design

Jagan Nath University has a strong commitment to high quality teaching and research for comprehensive education to enhance the professional competence of the students having in depth knowledge and innovative approach. The University offers 5-Year Fulltime Bachelor of Architecture Course approved by Council of Architecture, New Delhi to the eligible students who are interested in pursuing degree in Architecture. The main objective of the programme is to groom the students for acquiring in depth and exhaustive theoretical and practical knowledge that enables them to hit the target in their fields of Architecture and thereby continue towards their objective of attaining excellence. The extensive programs provide enough flexibility in respect of lecture courses and practical training.

Recently the University Grants Commission (UGC) has stressed on speedy and substantive academic and administrative reforms in higher education for promotion of quality and excellence. The Action Plan proposed by UGC through its guidelines delimits the need to consider and adopt Semester System, Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Flexibility in Curriculum Development and Examination Reforms in terms of adopting Continuous Evaluation Pattern by reducing the Weightage on the semester-end examination so that students enjoy a de-stressed learning environment.

Department of Architecture and Planning

Department of Architecture and Planning started its journey in the year 2009 with the aim to develop overall competencies of the students to make them highly sought after professionals in the field of architecture and design. The curriculum of the Department is developed and updated to cater to demands of the industry, nationally as well as globally.

Special courses in the program lay special emphasis on developing certain skills i.e. managerial skills, communication skills, presentation skills etc. giving adage to the students. These courses are additional non-credit courses run especially keeping in mind industry expectations from architecture graduates.