UGC 12 B

Student Enrolment and Student Support

S. No. Information Information submitted by the University View
1. Number of students enrolled in the University for the current academic year (2023-24) according to regions and countries (Please give separate information for main campus and off-campus/off-shore campus) All academic programmes of the University are being run at its Campuses. The University is not having any off-campus / off-shore campus.
Particulars No. of students from the same State where the University is located No. of students from other States No. of NRI students No. of overseas students excluding NRIs Grand Total
Foreign Students Person of Indian Origin students
UG M 325 593 0 0 0 918
F 86 139 0 0 0 225
T 411 732 0 0 0 1143
PG M 59 95 0 0 0 154
F 31 66 0 0 0 97
T 90 161 0 0 0 251
M.Phil M N/A
Ph.D. M 16 0 0 0 0 16
F 18 0 0 0 0 18
T 34 0 0 0 0 34
Diploma M 33 77 0 0 0 210
F 4 19 0 0 0 23
T 37 196 0 0 0 233
PG Diploma M 0 0 0 0 0 0
F 0 0 0 0 0 0
T 0 0 0 0 0 0
Certificate M 0 0 0 0 0 0
F 0 0 0 0 0 0
T 0 0 0 0 0 0
Any Other (Pl. Specify) M 0 0 0 0 0 0
F 0 0 0 0 0 0
T 0 0 0 0 0 0
M-Male, F-Female, T-Total
2. Category-wise No. of students
Category Male Female Total
SC 32 123 155
ST 14 44 58
OBC 140 642 782
PH 0 0 0
General 176 490 666
Total 362 1299 1661
3. Details of the two batches of students admitted :
Particulars Batch-I Batch-II
Year - 2021-22 Year - 2022-23
UG PG Total UG PG Total
No. admitted to the programme 331 135 466 866 186 1052
No. of Drop-outs
(a) Within four months of Joining 18 2 20 156 25 181
(b) Afterwards - - - - - -
No. appeared for the final year examination 313 60 60 92 98 190
No. passed in the final exam Result Awaited 54 54 72 74 146
No. passed in first class -Do- 54 54 64 73 137
4. Does the University provide bridge/remedial courses to the educationally disadvantaged students? If yes, please give details

Yes, the University is providing bridge/remedial courses to the educationally disadvantaged students who fulfil the eligibility conditions, but are required to study some course(s) for getting at par with others.

  • For example, in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Students of both PCM / PCB streams are eligible for admission. In order to bring them at par with others, University conducts bridge courses in Mathematics / Biology during the first semester academic schedule.
  • Also, the University has a well-defined process to assess the learning levels of students. A systematic evaluation process is used to assess the learning levels of the students which consist of written examination, individual/ group presentation, project, practical examination, written assignment, class tests, etc. Mentors assigned to the students also identify the pace of learning of their respective mentees.
  • Special remedial sessions are undertaken to support the slow learner / educationally disadvantage students include Tutorial classes, Remedial classes
  • Students are facilitated with individual counselling and life skill learning by mentor.

The report of the above is attached here with as Annexture-V

5. Does the University provide any financial help to the students from socially disadvantageous group? If yes, please give details Yes, the University is providing financial help to the students from socially disadvantageous group by way of Fee Concession.
  • Total free education to five girl students every year under ‘Balika Shiksha Sambal Yojana’.
  • The students belonging to SC,ST, Minorities, etc. get scholarships from the State/Central Government.
  • There is a provision of need based financial assistance to the wards of defence personnel.
6. In case the University is running M.Phil/Ph.D. programme, whether it is full time or part time and whether these programmes are run as per UGC Regulations,2009 on M.Phil/Ph.D. The University is running full time as well as Part Time Ph.D program strictly as per UGC Ph.D Regulations, 2009/2016/2022.

The Ph.D Regulations,2022 of the University is drawn accordingly and is attached as Annexture-VI.
The University is not running M.Phil Programme

7. Whether the University have a website? If yes please give website address and whether the website is regularly updated? Yes, the University have a well designed website with URL The website is regularly updated information of all the stake holders. View
8. How are the prospective students informed about the criteria for admission, rules & regulations, facilities available, etc? The prospective students informed about the criteria for admission various rules and regulations, facilities available in the University through the following modes:
  • Website
  • E-Prospectus
  • E-mailer
  • Live Chat and Toll-free number
  • News Paper advertisements
  • Education fairs and exhibitions
  • Seminars, Conferences, and Workshops
  • Guidance and career counselling
  • Online / Offline counselling
  • However, the University insists the prospective students to visit the university personally to have a clear idea about the Academic and Physical Infrastructure of the University which helps them to take a final decision in deciding their professional/technical career path.

9. Whether any grievance redressal mechanism is available in the University? If yes, please provide details about the complaints received against malpractices, etc in the University in the following format:- Yes, the University has a well-defined grievance redressal mechanism to redress the grievances of the students in a time bound manner.

The small grievances are redressed at the University Level. However, the University has the following:

  • Student Grievance Redressal Committee
  • Anti-Ragging Cell
  • Internal Complaint Committee
  • Ombudsperson

The details as provided in Appendix-XII
