Lakshya Choudhary

Lakshya Choudhary
Lakshya Choudhary
Batch : 2014-18

I would like to take this opportunity to pen down what Jagannath University has given me. We as young timid sophomores found ourselves lost between the corridors and wooden desks of lecture halls .The cooperative efforts of assignments, RAWE , unfathomable knowledge of our professors transformed me into an individual which I am today. From football matches to the impeccable mischievous of the practical classes and dancing in Punjabi songs with full swag are memories etched in the back of my mind forever to lament and smile at the same time.


In the age of Instagram, FB and other social media, the long boring bus rides from college to home were more of indulging in imperialistic fantasies of how we want to take outside the world for- " Pandavas gang ".We survived one night Jagannath fight. We are overwhelmed and afflicted at the same time with-" Sir/ Ma'am of seniority. From the last minute preparation to after college hangouts we survived it all As Kalam Sir quotes -" There is no such thing as past friends , because friends are forever". I truly believe in this, as memories of Jagannath University shall remain with me forever. It has helped me to transform into an individual, which I am today. The sheer support and constant motivation of faculty to manifest my affirmations into reality, has landed me where I am today. I am indebted to this institution for giving me so much to conquer the world outside full of opportunities.