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Volume 3, Issue 1

A study on rising stress among corporate professionals in India: Degradation of values is a probable cause

Author: Mrs. Anuja Chadha and Dr. M.S. Verma


Virtuous conduct and an enduring moral fibre are deemed to be the hallmark of a person of integrity. Every organisation desires such individuals within its folds. However, off late, there has been a perceptible degradation of ethics and values in the society, pervading all cross-sections in terms of age, gender and professions. A fiercely competitive employment market, as also mindless adherence to the dictum, “survival of the fittest” have apparently taken a toll upon the youth’s belief in value system. Corporate sector (public and private sectors combined) being the backbone of the economic power of India, the degenerating values in society and the consequent rise in stress levels, are having a debilitating effect on the mental, physical and moral health of our country.

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