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Volume 3, Issue 2

Building a Discourse for Pre-Marital Counselling in India

Author: Pardeep Singha, Narinder Khubber


"Let us try to offer help before we have to offer therapy. That is to say, let's see if we can't prevent being ill by trying to offer a love of prevention before illness." Maya Angelou

Marriage is a social institution and happy married lives of citizens can rightly be said as one of the parameters for happiness index of a country. However, in the recent past, society has witnessed a threat to this social institution from growing rate of divorce and development of other emerging concepts like: live-in-relationship, incompatibility, modern life styles, nuclear family structure, lack of quality time to spend together, impact of social media, professional ambitions and adultery. For saving this social institution from falling-off, no law will come to rescue as law cannot be a panacea for all the problems rather it demands civil society to introspect and to go for saving marriages.

Counselling of would-be couples by experts may be one such via media/ platform for orienting and sensitizing youngsters about this holy social institution. The present write-up is an attempt to build a discourse for the need of such pre-marriage counselling so as to save this social institution which seems to be under threat of falling-off. Counselling can be carried out under the purview of free Legal services/legal aid which inter alia includes legal literacy, empowerment and counselling of citizens towards their basic rights, duties and contribution in realizing access to justice for all. 

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